Diamond's Flowers

Nearing its 80th anniversary, Diamond's Flowers is the second oldest business in Coventry Village, second only to Heights Hardware. Diamond’s is also the oldest business to originate on the street. Although many years have passed since the store opened, customers who visit the floral boutique today would see little difference between then and now. Not only has the store not moved from its original location, the way flowers are prepared and arranged has remained largely the same. Even the flower coolers are the same ones installed almost 80 years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Diamond opened their flower boutique in 1934. After 35 years they sold Diamond's Flowers to Max R. Ferris and his wife Thelma Woods. The new owners continued to run the business the same way the Diamond family did. After Mrs. Ferris died in 1981, Mr. Ferris ran the store until a fall forced him to stop working.
In 1985, Roseana Bass came to work at Diamond's Flowers and prepared herself to take over the store. Because Diamond's Flowers was well known for its quality, Bass, like the Ferrises, learned the same methods of floral preparation that had been used at the small shop for more than 50 years. Bass continues to run the store, watching Coventry Village change around her. This old business stands as a reminder of the many boutique and mom-and-pop businesses that once adorned the street.