Lawyer, Yachtsman and . . . Phrenologist

Lawyer, Yachtsman and . . . Phrenologist
Thus far, Cleveland Historical has not uncovered any painting or sketch of Samuel White, who died in 1848, and the above sketchy photo of Liberty H. Ware (1844-1910) sitting in his home office in 1903 is the best one of him that we were able to find. A grandson and son of sailors, Liberty chaired the organizational meeting of the Lakewood Yacht Club in January 1900. He was also a lawyer and politician, and, at least according to this article, he also dabbled in phrenology, a pseudoscience about the human brain and character that was still popular in the United States in the mid-nineteenth century when Liberty was a young man. Liberty was also an amateur poet, a witty conversationalist, and a man who enjoyed a good prank as much as the next guy.

Image courtesy of Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections
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