The Anthony J. Celebrezze Federal Building during the façade renewal project

The Anthony J. Celebrezze Federal Building during the façade renewal project
The Celebrezze Building underwent relatively few significant alterations until 2009, when GSA utilized funds available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to begin a massive intervention addressing the poor condition of the curtain wall. Flaws in the original detailing and installation, water infiltration, the action of wind forces, and the harsh Cleveland winters had resulted in advanced deterioration on the façade’s various components. Additional assessments found the curtain wall to be strikingly deficient in terms of modern energy efficiency and security standards. Ultimately GSA decided to install a second skin on top of the existing façade, effectively overcladding the original building with an entirely new window wall system. | Creator: GSA | Date: ca. 2013 | Source: GSA
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