Thomas Axworthy (1836-1893)

Thomas Axworthy (1836-1893)
An English immigrant who became a coal merchant in Cleveland in the mid nineteenth century, Thomas Axworthy was the second owner of the house at 4206 Franklin Boulevard, where he and his family lived from 1873-1886. In 1883, Axworthy was elected Cleveland City Treasurer, an office to which he was re-elected by the voters of Cleveland in 1885 and 1887. In 1888, in the midst of his third two-year term, he fled the City after embezzling some $440,000. from the City treasury, equivalent to $13 million in 2022 dollars. While Cleveland eventually recovered all of the money he stole, Axworthy never returned to Cleveland to be held accountable for his crime and he died in Canada in 1893.
| Source: Cleveland Public Library, Digital Map Collection
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