Erieview Tower and Erieview Plaza

Erieview Tower and Erieview Plaza
In this photo, facing southwest, it is useful to point out (1) Erieview Tower in relation to some of the other numbered buildings: (3) Union Commerce Bank, formerly Union Trust Building, completed 1924; (6) East Ohio Gas Building, completed 1958; (7) Ohio Bell Telephone Building, completed 1927; (12) Cuyahoga Savings Plaza (under construction), completed 1965 and referenced by its architect Peter van Dijk in the third oral history clip in this story; (16) Cleveland Public Library, completed 1925; (20) Terminal Tower, completed 1930; and (23) Anthony Celebrezze Federal Building, completed 1967. | Date: ca. late 1963 | Source: 1963 Cleveland Planning Commission Annual Report (1964), Cleveland Public Library
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