Karamu House Groundbreaking, 1945 ID: 7236 | This file appears in: The Playhouse Settlement Summer Camp Karamu Theater, located adjacent to the original settlement house on Central Avenue and East 38th Street, was destroyed by fire in 1939. Pictured above, from left to right, is Russel and Rowena Jelliffe at the groundbreaking ceremony of the successor Karamu House theater on East 89th Street and Quincy Avenue. The cultural institution continues to thrive as a non-profit community arts center, and celebrated its 100th year anniversary in June of 2015. Karamu House is the oldest African American theater in the United States. | Source: Cleveland State University Library Special Collections Download Original File SourceCleveland State University Library Special Collections "Karamu House Groundbreaking, 1945" appears in: The Playhouse Settlement Summer Camp