Houses Next to Rose Building

Houses Next to Rose Building
These two rooming houses were owned by John Corlett, who operated a livery just to their left into the late 19th century. E. A. Palmer and his brother Stephen operated a drug store on the corner of Erie Street just to the east. Corlett offered to sell the corner building and some land around it to Palmer for $5,000 in the 1890s, but Palmer turned down the opportunity. Benjamin Rose bought it instead. And, just as Palmer missed his chance to make a lot of money, so did Corlett, who stubbornly refused to sell his rooming houses right up to his death in 1911. (Note the detailed decorations on the iron facade of the Rose Building and the sidewalk sign for a Houdini show at the Hippodrome.) | Date: 1910 | Source: Cleveland Public Library, Photograph Collection
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