Decline on the Southeast Corner

Decline on the Southeast Corner
Undoubtedly, Don Petit, the Cleveland Planning Commission intern, who photographed buildings on Lorain Avenue in 1993 for the City's NRHP application to create the Lorain Avenue Commercial Historic District, would have loved to have photographed the gorgeous Lorain Fulton Theater building erected in 1921 and the imposing four-story Henry Leopold's Furniture Store building next door to it, erected on the southeast corner of Lorain and Fulton in 1904. But they were both long gone, the furniture store burning to the ground in 1932 and the theater building torn down by the wrecking ball in 1963 to make room for a Pick-n-Pay grocery store. So, when Petit arrived on the scene, he was greeted by, and photographed, a sprawling one-story Pick-n-Pay grocery store which had since become an "Antique Thrift Store" and an aging corner gas station which stood where Leopold's four-story furniture store once stood. | Source: 1993 City NRHP application for Lorain Avenue Commercial Historic District
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