Waterloo Arts District

The stretch of Lake Erie coastline known as Collinwood (original name: Collamer) was once renowned for its lush vineyards. The fertile land proved so hospitable for the cultivation of grapes that in 1870 the area was North America’s largest shipping point for grapes. But agriculture was not Collinwood’s only industry: By 1890 it was a major switching point for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern (later New York Central and now CSX) Railroad.

Waves of European immigration—particularly Irish, Italian and Slovenian—fueled Collinwood’s expansion in the early 20th century. Proximate businesses such as Fisher Body, Lincoln Electric, Eaton Axle, and General Electric provided abundant employment. The interior of the Beachland Ballroom on Waterloo Road, originally the Croatian Liberty Hall, pays homage to the neighborhood’s ethnic heritage. Down the street, the Slovenian Workmen’s Home showcases a time when immigrant workers made their way to and from nearby factories and rail yards.

Tensions began to emerge after World War II, as more and more African Americans moved into Collinwood. A 1946 riot at Euclid Beach Park (which, at the time, excluded blacks) was one of the early red flags. Myriad plant closings, ongoing tensions among students, and predatory tactics of local realtors further undermined Collinwood’s stability, with large numbers of white homeowners leaving the area.

But new faces were also arriving. In the 1990s, lured by affordable rents, young people started to trickle in. Artists found inexpensive gallery and studio space. Others were drawn to the area’s growing underground music scene. Over time, Collinwood’s identity began to evolve from industry and rail to arts, culture and food & drink. And the epicenter was the intersection of Waterloo Road and East 156th Street.

Arts programs in Collinwood actually date to the 1960s when funding was provided to help children and adults deal with the community’s race conflicts. But since then Collinwood has further solidified its arts reputation: Waterloo Arts was formed in 2002, using seed money from The Cleveland Foundation. The Waterloo Arts Fest —an annual banquet of food, art, music and other street entertainment—was launched shortly thereafter. In 2004 the Waterloo Arts building opened and now hosts artists’ studios and galleries; a café featuring live music and open mic nights; and an annex for educational programs and performances.

Music, gallery and public art, street performances and plays along Waterloo Road are now Collinwood’s calling card. Swing dances happen regularly at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home and musical performances with national acts are held almost nightly at the Beachland Ballroom, whose name is a quiet salute to Euclid Beach. The neighborhood also hosts record stores, vintage clothing shops, craft stores, bars, cafes, and a recording studio. Small wonder that Collinwood was named one of America's Best Secret Neighborhoods by Travel + Leisure, or that The Wall Street Journal featured the neighborhood in a story about using the arts to fight blight.


Pop Life Building
Pop Life Building The front of this building was painted by Lynnea Holand-Weiss as part of Waterloo Arts Zoetic Walls project, June 2015. The building is owned by Judy Wolfe, a weaver, and some her designs were used as inspiration for the mural. Source: Eyes on the Street Date: 2015
Plotting something?
Plotting something? Two men chat inside an empty bar on Waterloo Avenue during Prohibition. Note the decorative Schlather's Rock beer display on the draught system.  Source: Cleveland Press Collection, Department of Special Collections, Cleveland State University
Future arts district<br />
Future arts district
Waterloo Road in 1924. Source: Cleveland Press Collection, Department of Special Collections, Cleveland State University
"Only rubble!”
"Only rubble!” “A pile of bricks and twisted metal are all that remain of the Waterloo Rd. building used as a business headquarters and residence by Danny Greene. Greene told The Press today [1975] that he was in bed on the second floor when the bomb went off. He said the building collapsed, but he crawled through the rubble and ran to safety." (photo verso). Source: Cleveland Press Collection, Department of Special Collections, Cleveland State University
Lone Swingers
Lone Swingers Overseen by a workman on a ladder, a couple dances beneath the mirror ball at the Slovenian Workmen's Hall in 1969. Source: Cleveland Press Collection, Department of Special Collections, Cleveland State University


Waterloo Rd at E 156th St, Cleveland, OH


Liza Langdon and Chris Roy, “Waterloo Arts District,” Cleveland Historical, accessed July 27, 2024, https://clevelandhistorical.org/items/show/712.