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Noble Road Presbyterian Church

In 1907, as the First United Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland celebrated its 100th birthday, it was suggested that an appropriate feature of the celebration would be the founding of a mission chapel, originally called Noble Heights Bible Chapel. The effort came just four years after Beckwith Memorial Presbyterian Church seeded the forerunner of Forest Hill Church in a rented home on the Heights.

Although the population of Cleveland Heights was just beginning its ascent and the real boom remained a decade in the future, churches were clearly eyeing future trends. Up the hill on Noble Road, a new community was growing. The mission's regular services and Sunday school classes began in the one-room Noble School. After the original Noble School building was demolished, the congregation met under a large tent erected on a newly acquired lot just north of the old school. The cornerstone for a new building, built in the Gothic style and costing $5,600, was laid on August 1, 1909, at the corner of Noble and Kirkwood Roads.

Like most congregations, the mission church (which would later become Noble Road Presbyterian Church) relied on the strength of its Ladies Aid Society, which staged innumerable events like lawn fetes and bazaars to raise money for the building fund and to purchase pianos, pews, the first reed organ, and other building improvements.

Noble Road Presbyterian Church separated from First Church in 1921. At that time, there were 93 charter members and the enrollment of the Sunday School was 224 students. As the congregation grew, a need for more space arose. In 1924, the building was raised three feet (allowing for rooms in the basement) and extended 25 feet. And for the added comfort of parishioners, they installed pews and a new heating system. Despite ongoing financial problems and a high turnover rate in the minister position, the church served the surrounding community through schools, youth groups and service work.

The postwar population boom in Cleveland Heights swelled the congregation, which reached as high as 826 in 1957. In 1950, the congregation broke ground for a $52,000 remodel of the building. The new church featured a Georgian Revival facade with pillars and a tall steeple. This exciting time in church history also presaged a major shift in mission, with the congregation working on issues of civil rights and social justice throughout the community, a passion that continues today.


"Full of GE Families" Lifelong church member Barbara Wherley remembers the 1960s, when Noble Road Presbyterian was bursting at the seams with young families. Source: Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection
"We Were a Pretty Radical Church" Barbara Wherley recounts how open housing and Vietnam split the congregation. Source: Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection
"Into the Wilds of Canada" Barbara Wherley recounts her church's youth minister, who was known for his advocacy of civil rights and for taking the church's high school kids camping in Canada during summers in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Source: Cleveland Regional Oral History Collection


Church Entrance, ca. 1960s
Church Entrance, ca. 1960s By the 1960s, Noble Road Presbyterian was in the midst of realigning itself to meet the call for social justice. Source: Noble Road Presbyterian Church
GE Magazine, 1953
GE Magazine, 1953 The Lighting Division of General Electric, based just down Noble Road in Nela Park, featured Noble Road Presbyterian Church on the cover of their lighting magazine. It enthused: "Combining the dignity and beauty of Greek architecture with the quiet simplicity of early American, our cover church stands as a symbol of all our religious sanctuaries. Photographed against a twilight sky by K. A. Lindgren of Nela Park, this church with its softly floodlighted columns and facade, extends a welcome to all nighttime passers-by." Source: The Magazine of Light, vol. 6, no. 6 (1953), courtesy of Noble Road Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church Noble Road Presbyterian Church was founded as a mission of First Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland, shown here.   First Church celebrated its centennial by opening the mission, just two miles up the hill on Noble Road. Creator: Christopher Busta-Peck
Time Capsule, 1951
Time Capsule, 1951 Reverend Eugene W. Pocock, shown here adding a time capsule to the foundation of the 1951 facade of the church, served the congregation from 1936 until 1953.   Source: Noble Road Presbyterian Church
Youth Retreat
Youth Retreat A youth retreat sponsored by Noble Road Church. Serving the children of the community was a driving force behind the expansion of the church. Source: Noble Road Presbyterian Church
Youth Group Meeting, ca. 1950s
Youth Group Meeting, ca. 1950s The $50,000 fundraising campaign required for the church's 1950s remodeling used the tagline: "For the Children and Youth of Our Own Community." Source: Noble Road Presbyterian Church
Memorial Day, 1966
Memorial Day, 1966 Although the congregation has shrunk significantly, the church remains an important part of the local community. Here is its entry into the 1996 Cleveland Heights Memorial Day Parade. Source: Noble Road Presbyterian Church
Old Schoolhouse Church
Old Schoolhouse Church The mission chapel of First Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland, the oldest church in Cuyahoga County, first met in this original one-room schoolhouse at Noble and Montevista roads. According to a church history, "the young church drew most of its members from the immediate neighborhood ... some rode to church in horse-drawn buggies." Source: Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library


2780 Noble Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44121


Mazie Adams, “Noble Road Presbyterian Church,” Cleveland Historical, accessed March 18, 2025,