Medina Courthouse

In the early years of Medina's history, government officials conducted legal affairs in homes, churches, or general stores. The need and demand for a county courthouse to handle land deeds, records, and court proceedings arose as the population grew in and around Medina.

The east side of the Medina square has for over 170 years been claimed by the county courthouse. Today when one walks the Medina Square, the east side of the square notably casts the shadow of law but has the least amount of traffic -- hence the development of the other three sides of the square for commercial and service businesses. The courthouse has seen three different locations on the square, relocating over the years in order to adapt to the increasing demands of the area's growing population. Can you locate the three locations the Medina Courthouse has occupied on the square?


Courthouse, 1818-1840
Courthouse, 1818-1840 In the early 1800s the need and demand for a county courthouse developed as the population grew in and around Medina. This image shows the Medina Square looking west, with the courthouse at the north end (far right). The west side of Medina Square looks very different here than it does today. The first courthouse was built in the New England Federal architectural style and was a two story brick building. Source: Medina County Historical Society
Old Courthouse, July 2010
Old Courthouse, July 2010 This is a modern view of the original 1818 courthouse located on the west side of the Medina Square. If you enter Whitey's Army-Navy store and look at the area just to the left of the entrance, you will see the original front entry to the courthouse. Source: Medina County Historical Society Date: 2010
New Courthouse, 1841
New Courthouse, 1841 By 1840, the original courthouse was too small and outdated, not to mention that it was also considered structurally unstable. The community decided to build a new courthouse on the northeast corner of the square. A Classic Federal box style courthouse was built with a temple front. It was constructed of brick and accented with sandstone sills which can still be seen today. Construction of the new courthouse began in 1840 and was completed in 1841. This new courthouse would go on to serve the county of Medina for 36 years. Source: Medina County Historical Society Date: 1841
1841 Courthouse Additions
1841 Courthouse Additions The courthouse built in 1841 has had numerous additions added onto its original structure over the years as more space became needed. Looking at this building today, can you spot the structural differences and the architectural styles of the various additions? Source: Medina County Historical Society
Courthouses, 1969
Courthouses, 1969 This 1969 picture was taken facing east, with the 1841 courthouse to the north (left) and the new courthouse to the south (right). The Victorian-style addition was added to the 1841 courthouse during its expansion in the 1870s. Source: Medina County Historical Society Date: 1969
New Courthouse
New Courthouse The current Medina County Courthouse, pictured here, was completed in 1969. It has a simple Federal-style look that allows the old Victorian courthouse to continue to dominate the east side of the square. Source: Medina County Historical Society
Courthouse, 2010
Courthouse, 2010 This is a modern picture of the Medina county courthouse. The structure has had little to no change to its exterior since being built in the late 1960s. Source: Medina County Historical Society


93 Public Square, Medina, OH 44256


Shannon Conley, “Medina Courthouse,” Cleveland Historical, accessed September 9, 2024,