Filed Under Environment

A Public Service Message from David Blaushild Chevrolet

"Let’s Stop Killing Lake Erie!"

In July of 1964, motorists were greeted by the newest billboard from Shaker Heights auto dealer David L. Blaushild. Bold letters declared: “Let’s Stop Killing Lake Erie, have your council vote Anti-Pollution!" Learn how one car salesman helped initiate an environmental movement in Cleveland that pushed lawmakers to publicly recognize and respond to the lax enforcement of antipollution laws.

In July of 1964, motorists traveling along the Inner Belt Freeway south of Memorial Shoreway were greeted by the newest billboard from Shaker Heights auto dealer David L. Blaushild.  Bold letters spanning a giant 80- by 20-foot sign declared: “Let’s Stop Killing Lake Erie, have your council vote Anti-Pollution! write…David Blaushild 16003 Chagrin.”  The environmentally conscious car salesman acquired free use of 15 billboards in the Cleveland area, and was using them to draw attention to the issue of lake pollution. A series of advertisements in Cleveland’s newspapers complemented the imposing signage, and called on the citizenry to join the crusade. Blaushild asked Clevelanders to express their support for the cause by filling out and mailing in a coupon to his dealership, which would be forwarded to public officials. An overflow of public response prompted the salesman to expand his efforts.  He began sending both petitions and an antipollution resolution to those that replied to his ads. The respondents could then circulate the petitions within their communities throughout the greater Cleveland area, and submit with the proposed statement of position to local governing bodies for adoption.  By some accounts, over half a million signatures were gathered between June and August. Twenty-six towns along Lake Erie passed Blaushild’s resolution calling on the Ohio Governor to take steps towards preventing industrial and sanitary pollution from reaching public waters.

David Blaushild’s Moreland-based Chevrolet dealership served as headquarters for the petition drive.  Both his surname and automobile promotions had long been known in the Cleveland and Shaker Heights area.  Just one year prior, he had caused a minor stir with another billboard located near Fairhill (Stokes Boulevard) and Petrarca Roads. As described by Cleveland Plain Dealer, “Tired businessmen driving home…have been met by the sight of two scantily clad young women cavorting on the catwalk of a billboard.” Police intervened after receiving complaints, which Blaushild chalked up to the doings of rival auto dealers.  Beyond enlisting bikini-models to sell cars, he was also known for imaginative radio and print advertisements.  In 1963, Blaushild employed the Cleveland Orchestra to record a minute-long jingle promoting a “classically, classical deal at David Blaushild Chevrolet.”

Beyond his sometimes-questionable promotional tactics, Blaushild’s name carried weight in the auto sales industry.  Lester Blaushild, David’s father, opened a franchise of the Star-Durant car line around 1921 at 12100 Kinsman Road.  Keeping up with the rapidly changing automobile industry, Lester switched to the Hudson-Essex line before finally settling with a Chrysler dealership in 1931.  The Latvian immigrant brought members of his family to Cleveland during this time, including his brother Bennie.  Bennie started working for Lester in 1924, and soon after opened B.W Blaushild Motors, Inc. at 15215 Kinsman Road.  The Dodge-Plymouth dealership relocated within Mount Pleasant at 14307 Kinsman Road in 1932, and eventually opened a showroom at the Kinsman-Lee intersection in Shaker Heights at 16333 Kinsman Road by 1948.  All the while, Lester’s dealership grew by bounds.  Regularly touted as the largest Chrysler dealership in the region, at one time it was the third largest in the country.  In 1949, Lester opened a new Chrysler-Plymouth showroom at 16005 Kinsman Road.

David Blaushild worked for his father’s auto dealership beginning in 1938.  With the advent of World War II, David enlisted in the U.S Army Air Forces.  Joining in 1942, he served as a photo intelligence officer in Europe for nearly the duration of the war.  Upon his discharge, Lester offered David the choice to work in the mechanic shop or frontroom.  David chose the latter, at which point his father removed himself from the business’ daily operations.  Following the relocation of both the Dodge-Plymouth and Chrysler-Plymouth auto dealerships to Shaker Heights at midcentury, the Blaushild name became a fixture in the emerging Kinsman-Lee auto row.   A year after Lester’s death in 1958, David transitioned the business into a Chevrolet dealership. The Chevrolet dealership expanded to include a showroom across the street at 16222 Chagrin Boulevard in 1963.

A trip to Shaker Lakes in the summer of 1963 drastically altered the trajectory of David Blaushild’s life for the next decade.  Hoping to share fond childhood memories of visiting the recreation grounds with his young daughter, David Blaushild arrived to find the body of water emitting a rancid odor and littered with garbage.  Similar to most cities situated along Lake Erie, both Shaker Heights’ and Cleveland’s sewage infrastructure was outdated and ineffective.  With excessive rain, the sewer systems regularly failed and raw waste flowed into the surrounding rivers and lakes.  He quickly discovered that Lake Erie was in just as bad of shape.  In addition to being a final destination for much of the region’s sewage overflow, the lake was used as a dumping ground for untreated chemical waste by local industries.

Blaushild immediately began working to raise public awareness about the sad state of the region’s water supply.  He was not alone in advocating for the modernization of sewage systems or holding industries accountable for breaking antipollution laws.  Increasingly since the early 1960s, scientists and environmental activists voiced their concerns over the alarming levels of pollution in Lake Erie.  Blaushild, however, effectively used his skills as an advertiser, salesperson and showman to bring this crisis to light and build a base of support that could influence policymakers.  In addition to his billboard and print campaign, Blaushild booked television appearances, radio interviews and a speaking tour to spread his message.  Local newspapers similarly began to call on lawmakers to take action on water pollution issues.  

As support for Blaushild’s cause grew, governing bodies of communities along Lake Erie were quick to adopt his resolution. Cleveland Mayor Ralph Locher initially rejected the non-binding proposal, however, citing the potential negative economic impact on local industry if antipollution laws were strictly enforced.  Following public outcry, the resolution passed in the fall of 1964.  The following year, Ohio’s Governor requested a federal government conference be held concerning Lake Erie pollution.  Blaushild used the opportunity to present state officials over 200,000 signed petitions and letters that had been collected over the course of his campaign.

The Woods and Water Club of Cleveland named Blaushild their Man of the Year in 1964, noting that he had “single-handedly…done more than any other person to fight pollution of our lake and waterways.”  The highly visible media campaign, however, only marked the beginnings of a nearly decade-long battle waged by Blaushild to raise public awareness about the region’s water pollution crisis.  In 1965, Blaushild sued the City of Cleveland for failing to enforce water pollution laws.  He asserted that the local government turned a blind eye to local industries that dumped untreated chemical waste into the Cuyahoga River. 

The case was drawn out over seven years, eventually making it to the Supreme Court. In the end, Blaushild lost.  It was determined that the City was not the appropriate regulatory authority for enforcement of the antipollution laws.  Despite its outcome, the lawsuit had served its purpose.  The harmful and illegal dumping practices employed by a number of Cleveland industries were brought out into the open.  Coinciding with the national media coverage of the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire, the work of environmental activists such as Blaushild attracted attention to the dire state of Lake Erie and set the stage for future regulatory protections of the region’s water supply.

Blaushild stepped away from his public role in the fight against water pollution during the early 1970s.  Since the eye-opening visit to Shaker Lake in 1963, the crusade to save Lake Erie had taken over much of his life.  Reflecting a tenacity and flare for salesmanship that is often disparagingly associated with used car dealers, Blaushild instigated lawmakers to publicly recognize and respond to the lax enforcement of antipollution laws. His campaign mobilized residents living near Lake Erie into action by offering a platform from which they could express their concerns.


Future Home Of Blaushild Chevrolet / Peugeot
Future Home Of Blaushild Chevrolet / Peugeot During the mid 1980s, Eric Blaushild partnered with the owners of Qua-Guice Pontiac and Zalud Oldsmobile to develop plans for an auto mall at the southwest corner of Chagrin Boulevard and Lee Road. The site was to be called Shaker Heights Town Centre Auto Dealers. The project was delayed multiple times and eventually scrapped, in part due to state auto franchising laws that prohibit the construction of a car dealership within ten miles of another dealership of the same make. Eric Blaushild moved forward with plans to build on the site, and had new designs prepared. Construction began in June, 1988. Source: Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
Let's Stop Killing Lake Erie! 1964
Let's Stop Killing Lake Erie! 1964 David Blaushild's billboard campaign proved effective in catching the eye of Clevelanders and the local media. His efforts also drew the ire of industry leaders and city officials. Source: "Pollution Foe Defends Use of Billboard." Cleveland Plain Dealer, 30 July 1964, p. 19.
Letters of Support, 1964
Letters of Support, 1964 Blaushild's automobile dealership was immediately inundated with letters of support following the beginnings of the billboard and newspaper campaign to save Lake Erie in June, 1964. Within the first month, over 4,000 coupons had been returned requesting petitions. Source: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections
Lester and Bennie, 1949
Lester and Bennie, 1949 Lester Blaushild moved his Mount Pleasant-based auto dealership to the Moreland neighborhood in 1949. Bennie, Lester's brother, had relocated a showroom to the Kinsman-Lee Road intersection just two years prior. Source: Advertisement. Cleveland Plain Dealer, 23 January 1949, p. 40.
Lake Erie is Dying, 1964
Lake Erie is Dying, 1964 David Blaushild's newspaper campaign to save Lake Erie called on the Greater Cleveland community to mobilize and take action against water polluters. Each ad included a coupon that offered respondents antipollution petitions, sample resolutions and information on filing taxpayer lawsuits. Source: Advertisement. Cleveland Plain Dealer, 04 July 1964, p. 17.
B. W. Blaushild Service Garage, 1948
B. W. Blaushild Service Garage, 1948 B. W. Blaushild moved from its Mount Pleasant location to 16333 Kinsman Road in 1947. The site would eventually be cleared for the construction of The Woodlands of Shaker Heights. Source: Cuyahoga County Archives
You "Auto" Buy Now!, 1958
You "Auto" Buy Now!, 1958 As president of the Cleveland Auto Dealers Association, David Blaushild implemented a city-wide promotion in February, 1958 to revive the economy during a time of recession. Car sales had slumped more than 26 percent over the preceding year. The campaign urged anyone planning to buy a car that year to make the purchase during "Cleveland Automobile Week." Using the slogan, "You Auto Buy Now- Keep Cleveland Business Healthy," the promotion was advertised as a way to the help resuscitate the automobile industry and get unemployed Clevelanders back to work. The campaign received national attention following praise by President Dwight Eisenhower. Source: Advertisement. Cleveland Plain Dealer, 24 February 1958, p. 43.
Zalud Oldsmobile
Zalud Oldsmobile The building at 16101 Chagrin Boulevard was a mainstay of the Kinsman-Lee auto row since as early as 1949 with the opening of Gockel Oldsmobile Co. In 1952, the franchise was sold to P. C. DeBarry and became Debarry Oldsmobile. Ownership changed hands once more in 1960 following DeBarry's death, and was renamed Zalud Oldsmobile. The historic site for auto sales is now home to The Dealership, a shared office workspace operated by the Shaker Heights Development Corp. Source: Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
Fancy People Call it Chagrin-Lee Auto Shopping Center, 1960
Fancy People Call it Chagrin-Lee Auto Shopping Center, 1960 While the Kinsman-Lee commercial district had always had a number of gas stations, car dealerships and service shops, the "fabulous auto row" emerged following mid-century. The map from this newspaper ad shows the location of ten new and used car dealerships within a half-mile area. Source: Advertisement. Cleveland Plain Dealer, 22 August 1964, p. 52.
Shaker Autos Inc., Studebaker
Shaker Autos Inc., Studebaker Shaker Motors Inc., located on the northeastern corner of the Chagrin Boulevard and Lee Road intersection, was opened in the March of 1947. The dealership operated as Shaker Autos Inc., Studebaker from mid-century to 1955, at which time it became known as Halken Shaker Motors. Halken dealt in the the Lincoln-Mercury-Cougar line until 1974, when the dealership moved to 27100 Chagrin Boulevard as Kenny Lincoln-Mercury-Cougar. David Blaushild acquired the property and opened a Datsun franchise in order to offer a greater variety of cars to his customers. The business was operated by David Blaushild's son, Steve, following his death, and became the largest volume Nissan dealership in northeast Ohio. The Nissan Dealership moved to 16101 Chagrin Boulevard around 1981. Source: Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
A Family Tradition, 1982
A Family Tradition, 1982 David Blaushild died in 1979 following complications during a minor surgery. His sons, Eric and Steven, took over the family business. The Chevrolet dealership at 16005 Chagrin Boulevard was operated by Eric, and the Nissan (previously Datsun) franchise run by Steven. Source: Advertisement. Cleveland Plain Dealer, 21 February 1982, p. 23.
Styche-Hisaka Auto Park Plan
Styche-Hisaka Auto Park Plan The Styche-Hisaka Plan, an urban renewal plan created for the City of Shaker Heights during the mid 1960s, included an "Auto Park" along both sides of Chagrin Boulevard as part of efforts to revitalize the Chagrin-Lee commercial district. Attempting to build off the popularity of the Kinsman-Lee auto row, the area was planned as a "unique center for comparative auto shopping." Source: Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
A Family Business, 1952
A Family Business, 1952 The Blaushild name was associated with Cleveland automobile dealerships for nearly 70 years. Pictured are Eric and Steven Blaushild with their father. Just as the car dealership had been passed to David Blaushild by his father, Steven and Eric would take over the family business following their father's death in 1979. In addition to operating car dealerships, David Blaushild acted as a Shaker Heights councilman. Notably, he introduced a bill banning use of DDT in the suburb and introduced legislation to promote integration. He also served as a board member of Fairmount Temple, the president of Cleveland Auto Dealers Association and director of Beechmont Country Club. Source: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections
Architect's Rendering of Blaushild Chevrolet-Peugeot Dealership,
Architect's Rendering of Blaushild Chevrolet-Peugeot Dealership, The Blaushild Chevrolet-Peugeot Dealership at the southwest corner of Chagrin Boulevard and Lee Road was the first project in the City of Shaker Heights' plan to revitalize Shaker Towne Centre. The land was bought and cleared by the City, and the structure financed by the auto agency. Eric Blaushild employed Eric Landers, a Connecticut architect, to design the $3 million dealership. Having decided to steer away from constructing a typical boxy dealer showroom, the exterior was designed to resemble a turn of the century English train station. The interior included a mezzanine overlooking the main sales floor. Source: Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
Blaushild Chevrolet-Peugeot Grand Opening, 1989
Blaushild Chevrolet-Peugeot Grand Opening, 1989 Eric Blaushild moved the Chevrolet dealerships at 16005 and 16222 Chagrin Boulevard to their new $3 million home at the intersection of Chagrin Boulevard and Lee Road in February, 1989. The business closed its doors in December of the same year. Cash flow problems emerged following a national decline in automobile sale, in part due to a proliferation of car models and increased manufacturer prices. Additionally, Blaushild found advertising the new location problematic due to zoning laws. A proposed sign and plans to add lights on building awnings were rejected by the City. That year, over 90 percent of new car dealers reported operating at a loss. Source: Advertisement. Cleveland Plain Dealer, 12 March 1989, p. 30.
Former site of Blaushild Chevrolet and Blaushild Nissan
Former site of Blaushild Chevrolet and Blaushild Nissan Following Blaushild Chevrolet-Peugeot relocation to the southwest corner of the Chagrin Boulevard In 1989, Blaushild Nissan moved to the site at 16005 Chagrin Boulevard. The Nissan-Datsun dealership was originally located at 16451 Chagrin Boulevard upon being opened in the mid 1970s by David Blaushild. The showroom moved next door to Blaushild Chevrolet at 16101 Chagrin Boulevard in the early 1980s. In December, 1990, Tom Ganley purchased the franchise at 16005 Chagrin Boulevard from Steven Blaushild and renamed it Ganley Nissan, Inc. The building currently houses a self-storage business.


16101 Chagrin Boulevard, Shaker Heights, OH | Permanently Closed


Richard Raponi, “A Public Service Message from David Blaushild Chevrolet,” Cleveland Historical, accessed March 29, 2025,