Evans’ Afro culture shop and bookstore ID: 9432 | This file appears in: The Glenville Shootout Prior to the shootout, Evans ran an 'Afro culture' bookstore in Glenville where he communicated a message of black power, black nationalism, spiritualism, and militancy to the neighborhood's residents. Evans’ bookstore was a meeting place for members of the Black Nationalists of New Libya and was the target of police harassment on numerous occasions throughout the late 1960s as a result police fears of Evans’ black nationalist affiliation. The building was destroyed during the course of the Glenville riots. Following the shootout and Evans' imprisonment, New Libya was without leadership and disbanded. | Creator: Van Dillard | Date: 1967 | Source: The Cleveland Memory Project Download Original File CreatorVan DillardSourceThe Cleveland Memory ProjectDate1967 "Evans’ Afro culture shop and bookstore" appears in: The Glenville Shootout