Alexander Campbell (1827-1911)

Alexander Campbell (1827-1911)
The maternal grandfather of Admiral Isaac Kidd, Campbell was a Scottish immigrant who came to Cleveland and made a fortune as a paving and sewer contractor. According to one of his grandsons, he was the first contractor to pave Public Square. He moved onto Birch Street in 1889, building houses at Nos. 117 and 119 (today, street addresses 1852 and 1854) for himself and his married daughter Minnie. Up the street at 105 Birch (1830 Birch today) lived his other married daughter, Jemima Kidd, the mother of Admiral Isaac Kid. Campbell lived out his life on Birch Street, dying at the home of his daughter Jemima in 1911. | Creator: Samuel Peter Orth, A History of Cleveland (1910)
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