Woodworkers of the Rocky River Dry Dock Co. ID: 6978 | This file appears in: Rocky River Dry Dock Co. World War I revived the demand for a wooden ship building industry, but the number of specialists in the craft had dwindled. A trained workforce was needed, but there was little time to spare in building America's new mercantile army. In 1917, the Emergency Fleet Corporation spearheaded a campaign to encourage carpenters and caulkers from kindred trades to take up work in shipyards. The workforce of the Rocky River Dry Dock Co. more than doubled in size between 1916 and the end of the war. | Source: Image courtesy of the Cleveland Metroparks Download Original File SourceImage courtesy of the Cleveland Metroparks "Woodworkers of the Rocky River Dry Dock Co. " appears in: Rocky River Dry Dock Co.