Nature Study at the Brecksville Trailside Museum ID: 6788 | This file appears in: Trailside Museums As a component of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History's efforts to cultivate a sympathetic appreciation toward nature and wildlife, many programs at the Trailside Museums were geared towards children. Beginning in 1940, the Natural History Museum expanded its outreach to the community's youth by inviting public school classes to the Trailside Museums for nature lessons. Additionally, the Trailside Explorer's Club and Junior Explorer's Club were established. Divided into groups based on interest in birds, insects, trees or the miscellaneous, a resident naturalist at each Trailside Museum met with recruits on weekday morning throughout the summer. During the fall and winter, the clubs were hosted at the downtown Cleveland Museum of Natural History. | Source: Courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Download Original File SourceCourtesy of Cleveland Metroparks "Nature Study at the Brecksville Trailside Museum" appears in: Trailside Museums