A Tinnerman Presence ID: 5539 | This file appears in: A Tinnerman Presence This 1922 Cleveland Plat map shows the location (outlined in red) of three of the four addresses in the 6000-7000 block of Franklin Boulevard that were the residences of members of the George A. Tinnerman family for much of the first half of the twentieth family. While the grand mansion at 6502 Franklin Boulevard is no longer standing, the houses of two of his children--Emma Tarnutzer and Frank Tinnerman, are still standing at, respectively, 6620 and 6103 Franklin Boulevard. A third home at 6910 Franklin Boulevard--not visible on this plat map, which was owned by George's son Albert, is also still standing. Image courtesy of Cleveland Public Library Digital Collections Download Original File "A Tinnerman Presence" appears in: A Tinnerman Presence