Emancipation of the Slave ID: 3021 | This file appears in: Soldiers and Sailors Monument This relief shows President Lincoln holding the shackles that have been taken from the bondsman who is kneeling at his feet, while handing the newly emancipated man a gun and accoutrements. This feature explains more clearly the law that authorized Lincoln to issue the proclamation, and also shows how the government was required to employ the slave as a soldier. On the right of the president stand Salmon P. Chase and John Sherman, the financial men of the war period, and on the left are Benjamin Wade and Joshua R. Giddings, who were Lincoln's mainstays in the anti-slavery movements. In the background, in bas-relief, is represented the army and navy. Overhead is the closing paragraph of the proclamation, written by Chase and adopted by Lincoln: "And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice warranted by the constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God." | Creator: Heidi Kathleen Elise Fearing Download Original File CreatorHeidi Kathleen Elise Fearing "Emancipation of the Slave" appears in: Soldiers and Sailors Monument