Ukrainian National Home

Ukrainian National Home
Ukrainians began arriving in Cleveland in the 1880s and made Tremont their primary settlement. In the decades following World War II, many Ukrainians living in Tremont moved to Parma or other suburbs west of Cleveland, and the community's old meeting places found new uses. The Ukrainian National Home (shown here) on West 14th Street near Fairfield Avenue was a key gathering place for the community. It closed in the 1960s (eventually reopening as a Puerto Rican social hall). It is now being renovated by current owner Grace Hospital. Other Ukrainian landmarks in Tremont include the Ukrainian Labor Temple (located at West 11th Street and Auburn Avenue and now an art studio), a community center for the more secular Ukrainians who adhered to progressive politics, and Sts. Peter and Paul Church at 2280 West 7th Street, constructed in 1910. This church is still in operation today.

Image courtesy of the Center for Public History + Digital Humanities
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