Rev. Bruce W. Klunder

Rev. Bruce W. Klunder
Reverend Bruce W. Klunder protests against the construction of Stephen Howe Elementary school on April 7, 1964.

Klunder, a 27-year-old father of two, was a Presbyterian minister active in the civil rights movement in Cleveland. He headed the local chapter of the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE). Reverend Klunder, along with other protestors of the United Freedom Movement, was opposed to the construction of a new school that would have reinforced patterns of segregation in the Cleveland Public Schools. He laid down behind this bulldozer as several other activists positioned themselves in front. The driver, unaware that Klunder was behind him, backed up to avoid hitting the protestors who were laying in front of him. This photograph was taken moments before Klunder's death.

Image courtesy of Cleveland State Library Special Collections
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