Josiah Barber (1771-1842)

Josiah Barber (1771-1842)
Possibly more responsible for the development of Cleveland's West Side than any other person, Barber and his brother-in-law Richard Lord, both born and raised in Connecticut, migrated to Cuyahoga County in the second decade of the nineteenth century. He and Lord commissioned a survey that laid out a village called "Brooklyn" on the west side of the Cuyahoga River which had its village square at what is today the northwest corner of West 25th Street and Lorain Avenue, across the street from the West Side Market. While this particular Brooklyn Village did not last long, his dedication of land to serve as the village's public square formed the basis for Cleveland's claimed ownership of this land following its annexation of Ohio City in 1854. That land today is home to Cleveland's Market Square Park. | Source: Western Reserve Historical Society
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