Hon. Martin A. Foran (1844-1921) ID: 5794 | This file appears in: The Battle at Saint Ladislas In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Martin A. Foran was one of Cleveland's best known and best connected attorneys. In addition to his law practice, he served as County Prosecutor, was elected to several terms as a Democrat congressman from Cleveland, and completed his career as a Judge of Common Pleas Court for Cuyahoga County. In 1891, he represented the Magyar parishioners of St. Ladislas church in their attempt to wrest control of the church from its Slovak parishioners. Despite his skills and efforts, Foran was unable to persuade the Cleveland Catholic Diocese to award the church to the Magyars. Image courtesy of Cleveland State University. Michael Scwartz Library. Special Collections. Download Original File "Hon. Martin A. Foran (1844-1921)" appears in: The Battle at Saint Ladislas