Pioneer Savings Bank, c. 1951

Pioneer Savings Bank, c. 1951
In 1951, Romanian Savings and Loan changed its name to Pioneer Savings and Loan. These changes coincided with the general movement away from the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood by Romanian and Romanian American residents. A new community emerged along Warren Road in Cleveland's Kamm's Corner neighborhood, drawing families and businesses away from the West Side. The relocation of St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Church to this suburb in 1960 accelerated the exodus of the Romanian community.

Pioneer Savings Bank also moved to its new location at 6701 Detroit Avenue in 1951. The structure was larger and designed to include a drive-up window. Relatively uncommon until the late 1940s, by 1957 over half of American banks offered drive-up service to accommodate the post-war car culture.

Image courtesy of Pioneer Savings Bank
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