Superior Street Looking East, 1869

Superior Street Looking East, 1869
This early era photograph shows Superior Street looking east from Water (West 9th) Street. The first building on the left side of the photograph is the National Bank building erected in the same year that the photograph was taken. (It was razed and replaced in 1921 by the nine-story Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Building which still stands on that corner today.) Next to the National Bank Building are five or six three-story buildings, which are likely the remaining Central Buildings after the National Bank Building was built and the buildings erected in 1847 that were, for a time, known as the Plain Dealer Buildings. Next to those buildings is a four-story building, originally known as the Franklin House, but by 1869, when it had become a commercial building, was called the Scovill Block. All of three-story buildings between the National Bank Building and the Scovill Block, were razed in 1887 and replaced by the Perry-Payne Building. | Source: Cleveland Press Collection, Cleveland State University Library Special Collections
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