Advertisement in Betty Felsen Revue Program

Advertisement in Betty Felsen Revue Program
This ad inside the 1936 Fetty Felsen Revue program promoted her Betty Felsen Studios. It reads: "Gay Little Feet of Dancing Children: After children's food and children's clothes, the most important thing you have to decide is their personality. How Your Children may gain Charm, Grace, Poise, and Personality is quickly and easily shown at the Betty Felsen Studios, under the personal direction of the remarkably successful Betty Felsen. Fill in and mail the coupon for complete information. Never a child came into the world lacking hidden grace and charm. The things you want your child to have abundantly. Correct instruction in the Dance by the Betty Felsen Studios develops and unfolds this Charm that Endures, latent in every child. Because your child is different, this instruction is individual as well as group. Sound fundamentals are carefully taught by a youthful teacher with an international reputation. Satisfied parents and happy children are the best testimonials. Send the coupon for information." | Date: 1936 | Source: Betty Felsen Papers, The Newberry Library, Chicago
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